Worldpackers USA: Promo Code

Use Worldpackers Promo Code VAICOMBRUNO and get US$ 10,00 off to became a member and start explore the world.

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Worldpackers USA

Worldpackers is a collaborative platform that connects you with hosts around the world where you trade your skills for hosting.

You will be able to travel all over the world, whether on vacation, backpacking, sabbatical, without spending on the most expensive item of a trip, which is accommodation.

To view Worldpackers USA opportunities, it is completely free, however for you to apply for vacancies and speak with the host, you need to become a verified member.

There are three plans, as explained below, and with the exclusive promotional code (VAICOMBRUNO)  you will get US$ 10 dollars off for any plan.

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Worldpackers Review

I know, it seems difficult, we boycott ourselves all the time, we postpone our dreams, we leave it for later.

I had all the fears, it is ok and normal.

The Worldpackers community is made up of thousands of travelers who have had the same doubts as you, overcome similar challenges, and transformed their life through travel.

And do you know what happens if you don`t those fears ? Life passes and when we realize it the opportunities haves passed and you didn’t take advantage of it.

Having an experience like this proposed by Worldpackers seems impossible for many. But that’s inside your head.

Wanna know my Worldpackers Review ? 

Well, my first volunteer experience was in a hostel in São Paulo, that’s right, in Brazil.

I didn’t need to speak another language or take an expensive flight to get to the destination because I live in Brazil.

All I needed was to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself.

I also didn’t have several months available, I only had 2 weeks of vacation from my regular job, which was enough to have this amazing experience that encouraged me to go much further.

On my first day I talked with the Host who was super flexible, I worked with content creation for the hostel which gave me total flexibility of time, in addition two days off to enjoy the city.

You can start like this too, choose a city in your home country even in your state or homw town, somewhere close to where you live.

The important thing is to get started.

I guarantee, once you give your firts step, the world will get small to you. Try it !!

Worldpackers Carrers

First thing you need to understand is that all Worldpackers Job opportunities are as volunteer.

You help your host for some hours per week and in exchange, you get accommodation and possibly other benefits, such as meals and local activities.

Collaborating and sharing experiences with hosts is the best way to experience cultural immersion, learn languages, develop new skills, and make a positive impact in the world.

No matter your age, gender, nationality, or living condition, volunteer travel is possible and it’s perfect for taking time to get to know yourself better, find your purpose, and experience other ways of life.

You can collaborate with social projects, NGOs, ecovillages, hostels, and communities and in exchange receive accommodation, meals, and other benefits. We have thousands of hosts in more than 140 countries!

Whether for a vacation, some time off, or to live your life traveling, experience an immersion in the local culture, practice languages, meet new people, and make a positive social impact during your travels.

How Does Worldpackers Work ?

First of all you need to decide that is time to experience cultural immersion, learn languages, develop new skills, and make a positive impact in the world, then it is time to became a member.

Becoming a Worldpackers Member you will be able to:

  • Get in touch with any host and confirm as many trips as you want.
  • Count on the WP insurance and our support team before, during, and after your trips.

Become a member today and get US$ 10,00 with this Worldpackers Promo Code.

You can apply to as many hosts as you want,

Find the volunteer positions that interest you, verify their requirements, and send that heartfelt message telling why you love that opportunity. You’ll be able to message your host to ask your questions and get to know them better.

Remember to check for required documentation, tickets, and the health recommendations from local authorities.

If a host thinks you’re a good fit for their position, they’ll pre-approve you so you can confirm your stay.

Confirming your trip on our platform is essential to gain access to all of the security features of our community like our support team and WP Insurance.

Also, it will allow you to leave and receive reviews at the end of your trip, helping your host to improve and keeping our community safe for everyone.

Pack your bags and prepare to be welcomed by your host.

Travel with an open mind, be ready to learn from cultural differences and the local realities, develop new skills, and make a positive impact.

Collaboration is what makes this experience possible. So be proactive and conscientious about helping your host, always remembering to honor what you agreed to on our platform.

At the end of your trip, you and your host can leave reviews about your experience together. When you have one positive review, you’ll become a community Expert.

We believe that collaboration is an authentic way to learn and improve ourselves together. Constructive feedback is essential to help the community grow, stay safe and transparent.

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